Workshop Links
W1: The 3rd International Workshop on Optical-Wireless LED Communication Networks
W2: The 4th International Workshop on Mobility Modeling and Performance Evaluation (MoMoPE) 2015
W3: The 3rd International Workshop on Intelligent Vehicles 2015
W4: The 3rd International Workshop on Cognitive Radio Communications and Networks
W5: The First International Workshop on Big Data and Cloud Computing (IWBDDC 2015)
ICUFN 2015- Call for Workshop Proposals |
Sapporo, Japan, July 7(Tue)-10(Fri), 2015.
http://www.icufn.org/ |
The ICUFN 2015
(The 7th International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks)
will be held in Sapporo, Japan, July 7(Tue)-10(Fri), 2015.
Workshops will be held in conjunction with the main conference
** sponsored by IEEE Communication Society, IEICE-CS, Springer **
** Included in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library **
*** Abstracting and Indexing(A&I) database such as EI Compendex,
*** ScienceDirect, Scopus, Web of Knowledge, Thomson ISI, and IET Inspect.
*** Selected papers will be published in the following international journals (SCIE-indexed) ***
*** - Wireless Personal Communications (SCIE)
*** - International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (SCIE)
*** - Journal on Internet Technology (SCIE)
*** - INFORMATION Journal (Scopus)
*** - International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications (Scopus)
*** - ICT Express
*** - Recent Adavnces on Communications and Networking Technology |
Workshop proposals are solicited with the aim of exploring special topics and providing a forum to present early research results and share experiences focused on more specific research areas than the main conference.
Workshop proposals are invited for the half- or full-day workshop in communication and networking areas.
Please send your proposal (the form is available at http://www.icufn.org) to the workshop co-chairs, Prof. Sungrae Cho (srcho@uclab.re.kr) and Prof. Kyomin Jung (kjung@snu.ac.kr) no later than Dec. 31, 2014.
Notification of acceptance will be made by Jan. 15, 2015. Early-bird proposals (proposal submission by Nov. 30, 2014) are highly encouraged and will be given higher priority.
Please do not hesitate to send emails to the workshop co-chairs if you have any questions.